Can ABA Therapy Work For High Functioning Kids?

High-functioning Autism was a term that is debatable. Medical scientist and lead researcher Gail Altars says that The term ‘high functioning autism’ is not a diagnostic term and is based on an IQ assessment, instead of a functional evaluation, He goes on to say that being labeled’ high functioning’ could make it more challenging for these to get the care they need. While people with autism may not have an intellectual disability, they may experience shortages in areas of emotion recognition, social interaction, communication and expression.

They may pose symptoms of social anxiety disorder and ADHD. It is a common Misconception that ABA does apply. Instead of behavior therapy are recommended play therapy. ABA plans for behavior management in these children could offer a degree of structure in line with the needs of their child. An ABA program provides functioning children the opportunity to learn in a format that is structured. In actuality, ABA strategies are important and powerful for this population. For alterations of the ABA therapy classes can satisfy the needs of their child.

aba therapy for high functioning autism

While your child undergoes an ABA program, you will have to discuss the specific Strengths and needs of the child, parent’s specific objectives and additional strategies for teaching. Therapy works best when done in Close cooperation with a certified ABA specialist. An aba therapy for high functioning autism therapist will be able to evaluate your child’s overall and specific degrees of comprehension. Often ABA Therapist may be available in urban areas, but they could be hard to find in localities that are inside.

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